We hope you will join us for the Fern Lodge Annual Meeting 2020
Time: Sunday afternoon, September 13 at 2:30 PM Pacific Time
“Persistence in Prayer”
by Vanessa Campbell
The meeting will be held online, so you will be able to attend wherever you are. To join, click the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85433920788
Or call on the Telephone: US: +1 669 900 6833
When prompted, put in the meeting ID: 854 3392 0788

The meeting will include reports from Fern Lodge staff—inspiration we have gained from our healing work and upcoming plans.
Our dear friend, Vanessa Campbell, will give an inspirational talk on Persistence in Prayer. Vanessa has had a lifetime of caring for others. She is listed as a Christian Science nurse in The Christian Science Journal.
She’s had the privilege of working in a variety of capacities, including a Visiting Christian Science nurse, private duty work in individuals’ homes, working with children and adults, and even with some dear animals along the way.
2 Comments on “Annual Meeting 2020 Invite”
Vanessa’s talk was outstanding! Her love for God and healing and Scientific prayer is obvious and palpable! I was very moved.
Thank you so much for this inspiring and uplifting annual meeting!! I live on the east coast and I’m so blessed to have family out west who shared this link with me so I could Watch the meeting. I’m so grateful you have the replay available. It was so helpful at every level. Betsy’s readings set the tone, then everyone else’s remarks move things forward, culminating in Vanessa‘s talk. It was so helpful. Thank you again. Sending much love to you all!!