Fern Lodge Rates

  • Christian Science Nursing care
    at Fern Lodge for new patients: $525/per day
    *The daily rate covers room and board and Christian Science nursing care, including supplies.

  • Outpatient Care: $40/per hour
    *plus nursing materials

  • Daytime Care: $120/per day
    *Come to Fern Lodge part of the day

  • Rest and Study: $85-135/per day

To check on our availability, please contact Director of Christian Science Nursing
at (510) 886‑2448 Ex. 225
or email at dcsn@fernlodge.org.

Fern Lodge Benevolence

Finances never should be a deciding factor in receiving the care you need.  Fern Lodge always accepts patients, regardless of their ability to pay and has offered benevolence when needed.  Please contact us if you feel you need assistance for yourself or a loved one.

Admission Form
Financial Assistance