History of Fern Lodge
History of Fern Lodge

Fern Lodge has a history of progress marked by growth in service to Christian Scientists. Mrs. Mindell Fern Cox gave her name to the Lodge in 1952 when she and her husband, Willard, opened their home to a Christian Scientist who needed care. Soon they were caring for 6 guests. The present site was purchased in 1957, and the Coxes were able to expand and serve 12. The Hillside House was built in 1963 to increase the capacity to 25 guests. Accreditation by The Mother Church came in 1966. In 1967 Fern Lodge was incorporated, and the Coxes began looking for others to run it. Mrs. Cox became Journal-listed as a practitioner.
In 1970 Fern Lodge, Inc. was formed as a non-profit corporation. The transfer of ownership from the Coxes was completed on July 1, 1971. George Strong became administrator in 1981 and served as its administrator until 2023, when Brad Stock took on the role.
Fern Lodge had a commitment to provide the highest quality Christian Science nursing for patients who come to us, and to strive to improve each day.

Love for God and man is the true incentive in both healing and teaching.
Love inspires, illumines, designates, and leads the way. Right motives give pinions to thought,
and strength and freedom to speech and action. Love is priestess at the altar of Truth.
Wait patiently for divine Love to move upon the waters of mortal mind,
and form the perfect concept. Patience must “have her perfect work.”