We always welcome visitors at Fern Lodge. Although we do not have set visiting hours, we do appreciate hearing about your visits ahead of time to ensure that you can see the patient promptly. Our doors are locked during the night, so please give us a call if you are coming late.
Visiting Procedures
Please call before dropping by to visit a patient, so we can be sure they are available when you arrive. Enter via our reception, which is on the far side of the parking lot from the street and has the sign ‘Visitor Entrance’. Please sign in at the reception desk. If the receptionist is away, please ring the doorbell provided and wait for a Christian Science nurse to greet you.
Calling Patients
Every patient has a phone in their room. If you would like to call a patient, please ask the receptionist for their telephone extension. You can type in this three digit extension after the receptionist goes home in the evenings to call a patient.
If you would like to eat a meal with a patient while you are here, please give our kitchen at least two hours notice. Lunch is at 11:30am and Dinner is at 5:00pm. You can call the kitchen directly at 510-886-2448 Ex. 227 or call a Christian Science nurse at Ex. 211.
If you would like a tour of our facility, please give us a call or email ahead of time, and one of our office staff would be happy to give you a tour.