Fern Lodge offers unique opportunities for learning Christian Science nursing. These include the traditional model of courses and mentored work experience at the facility, but if an individual cannot come to Fern Lodge for an extended period, other options may be offered.
Classes may be conducted through web-based computer connections, where those in remote locations can participate in class discussions, watch the demonstration of skills and techniques, and show what they have learned. Christian Scientists may join others in a class or receive one-to-one instruction in this way.
A course of classes can be conducted in locations other than Fern Lodge. A previous course included three young mothers who met at one of their homes about 120 miles from our facility. One weekend a month Sharon Strong traveled to meet with these dedicated individuals, who finished a complete series of courses in Christian Science nursing in about three years.
Fern Lodge conducts Christian Science nursing workshops in Christian Science branch churches. During these programs Christian Scientists learn the spiritual foundation and nature of Christian Science nursing, and they are taught simple fundamental skills that they can put into practice to help others.
Our Spanish-language instruction in Christian Science nursing continues to be active, both at Fern Lodge and in South America. Bilingual Christian Science nurses on our staff are ready to mentor those who wish to learn Christian Science nursing at Fern Lodge. These individuals also learn to read and speak English at the same time, so that they are able to read Mary Baker Eddy’s writings in the original language and share comforting ideas with patients. Soon, Fern Lodge plans to hold advanced as well as beginning courses in Argentina and Peru.