We asked the staff of Fern Lodge to shout out other staff members that made them feel at home. Read their wonderful messages below!
“Sharon Strong’s example of Christian Science Nursing is truly inspiring to me. When she walks into a patient room, if there is a need, she fills it, if there is a comfort wanting, she gives it, her Light effortlessly fills the room with all the qualities of home. I am especially touched by the smiles she brings to the patients’ faces with her sense of humor. I never forget her example. After all these years, I still look to her daily expression of love for my own growth in grace.” – Anonymous
“The sense of family is very strong at Fern Lodge and expressions of brotherly love are a daily occurrence. In particular Dianne Emery, Maggie Collins, and Ben Cahill have shown kindness and care towards me above and beyond what I would ever expect from workmates. I also must mention our nurses from Africa who bring an added dimension to our family. What can I say? I absolutely love them! Jared Onsabwa and Winny Isendi are two that have shared a bit about their culture and themselves with me and I am richer for knowing them both.” -Anonymous
“George has been a wonder to work with. I’m grateful for the experience and for all the time he took to share his philosophies with me. He has changed the way I see and interact with the world.” – Allison Cook
“I would be surprised if anyone working or staying at Fern Lodge didn’t feel very much at home. George Strong made me feel at home from the start and still does. There are so many people who make me feel at home, it would take a page to mention them all. Fern Lodge feels like home to me because of all the love expressed every day.” – Dianne Emery
“One of my most inspirational colleagues has been Robin Barben, our Activities Director. From our early days together in the late ‘90’s at Fern Lodge, Robin has brought her love of God and man through her vision to provide healing activities for our patients. She’s carved out time, skipping her own lunch, to discuss and share inspiration with patients to send in a weekly letter to an incarcerated church member; she’s arranged annual picnics at local parks and taken individual patients out for lunch and van rides around town. In the midst of all of this, she became a Journal-listed Christian Science nurse. Robin is always keenly alert to the needs of the patients, and attends to them with such love and tenderness. Those experienced eyes and that tender heart are now providing on-job guidance for newer Christian Science nurses. She inspires me so much in her willingness to wrestle with a challenge to the max to gain a clear metaphysical solution. Robin, we love you so much! Thank you for bringing your light and your love to us!” – Sharon Strong
“Fern Lodge feels like home to me because you can feel the love and support from each other like a family. Our home is surrounded by love! Our facility is surrounded by love!” – Mina Soriano
Check out our full newsletter for more articles and photos at https://fernlodge.org/newsletter-archives/!
One Comment on “August 2023 Newsletter – How is Fern Lodge a Home for our Staff?”
Lovely commentary on ‘home’….