by Sharon Strong, Director of Christian Science Nurses Training

With gratitude and gladness we celebrated with Robin Barben and Sam Kolakakuri, who were recently Journal-listed.
Christian Science nurses training at Fern Lodge has been both active and inspiring this year! I’ve taught 9 Christian Science nursing classes, with 17 different students. Four were from the Fern Lodge staff, and others became staff after taking classes. One student from the Midwest joined over Skype for classes in Reading Aloud and a Cleansing and Bandaging Review, and another took a course in Home and Visiting Christian Science Nursing. One student was a summer intern from Principia College. Another student came from Spain with her husband for three weeks to learn bed care plus Level 3, which includes care of sudden needs, and cleansing and bandaging. She is caring for a relative back in Spain.
In October 2016, I was invited to attend the first Canadian Christian Science Nurses Conference in Victoria, BC, to share alternate ways of training Christian Science nurses. There I met three Christian Science nurses living in Canada but who were natives of Mexico, Guatemala and Bolivia. We formed a committee which included Bonnie Castroman, Manager of Christian Science Nursing Activities at The Mother Church, to develop, plan, and conduct a workshop in Mexico City in late July. This five day Workshop on Care and Christian Science Nursing had about 25 attendees every day, and 30 on the last day. In fact 13 members from the church in Puebla drove 3 hours to attend that day.
Each participant was eager to learn about becoming a Christian Science nurse. One special activity was foot washing. After being shown the technique, they paired up and washed each other’s feet. We heard lots of laughter, but after it was all over I spotted one woman weeping. I asked if everything was alright. She said Yes, and that it was the most moving thing she had experienced in many years. Other skills shared were ways to lift and position, washing and bathing techniques, and how to use a wheel chair. Discussions on the foundation and ethics of Christian Science nursing were woven throughout.
Several in the group were bilingual and expressed interest in opening their homes for both Christian Science nurses training and caring for patients. We are planning trips in the future to provide Christian Science nurses training there.
And we’ve corresponded with two gentlemen in Cuba who are eager to have Christian Science nurses training in the near future.
The good news of Christian Science nursing is reaching across the globe. We are so humbled to be part of this unfolding adventure!