Christian Science Nurses Training (Nov 2019)

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by Sharon Strong

We have been overflowing with joyous activity in classes!  From February to June 2018, we taught a Level 1 class with ten Christian Science staff at Twelveacres. The administrator and an office member also attended all the classes, making it an even dozen! Metaphysical foundation-building, word research, ethics, and practicing skills together formed the basis of each class. It was rewarding to see thought change from the idea of giving care to providing Christian Science nursing care, seeing perfection right where various impositions seemed to be.

In the last twelve months, we have taught five one-month classes, each with four or five students. Two Level 1 classes were taught within weeks of each other, and one class each of Levels 2, 3, and 4. Two special classes on practical guidance for those preparing to serve or newly serving as Directors of Christian Science Nursing were taught, and one supervision class. A total of 21 students were enrolled. Fifteen students took one class, four took two classes, and two took three classes.  Of the 21, eleven were from other facilities, and six of the eleven attended via Zoom.  Eight are currently working at Fern Lodge.

Statistics aside, we have had the best 18 months of meeting dear Christian Scientists and training them in the skills and ethics of comforting and nursing others in Christian Science.  It has been such an honor to share an expanding view of divine Love, the essence of Christian Science nursing, with these aspiring and inspiring individuals!  For those participating over Zoom, we found creative ways to give workshops and speeches. For one facility’s annual meeting, we made a short  video on how we worked remotely with that facility.

We are so grateful for our mentors, Mina Soriano, and our newest addition, part-time mentor Deb Messmer, who helped students transition from the classroom to the Christian Science nursing floor, and assisted with fine-tuning the qualities and adapting the skills learned and practiced in the classroom.

In the summers of 2018 and 2019, I mentored three Christian Science nurses at a camp for Christian Science children. These two-week sessions are wonderful opportunities to see many quick healings of children and staff, and they provide the added benefit of working onsite with Christian Science practitioners.

We have seen a big uptick in applications and hiring from Africa, and feel so blessed by the qualities of love and joyous, dedicated service each one brings to our healing mission.  When we realized the sincere desire each one has to serve the healing Cause of Christian Science in this way, it is indeed humbling.  We regularly hear of those whose hearts have been yearning to love and care for others, but the lack of payment for these services in other countries makes Christian Science nursing unavailable as a career within the Christian Science movement there.

I am so grateful for the love, nurturing, and practical wisdom bring expressed by students and staff alike.


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