“I’d like to thank the people at Fern Lodge, and Robin Barben, Activities Director, for the sincere caring they have shown me through their prison outreach. The many letters and cards filled with spiritually productive ideas have been like many points of light. I invited a Christian Science chaplain to lead a group of prisoners in weekly sessions and the spiritual hunger and openness to Christian Science has been apparent and exciting. I now see a community of growing individuals that have no limitations about sharing the inspiration and truth revealed within their lives. I’ve seen anger, fear, hopelessness, loneliness, and depravity healed in myself and others. One healing was of a man seemingly having a heart attack. From where he had fallen, the man said, ‘Stay with me.’ I immediately felt the inclusive Love that the Fern Lodge group has expressed to me, and I called on this all-encompassing Love of God for this man. By the time people came to help, the man was upright, had stopped his profuse sweating, and spoke to me without a problem. I loved seeing his smile and glow of gratitude for all that Love opened him to.
Thank you for the support from your facility. It has not only touched me, but has touched many!!”
Robert Staeded, Jr.