Our Ministry: An interview with Cybill, a student Christian Science nurse

Oriana HaleNewsletter1 Comment

The following extracts are from a conversation Brad Stock had with Cybill, one of our student Christian Science nurses (level 4). We want you to see how the renewal of the ranks of Christian Science nurses is progressing here at Fern Lodge, thanks in large part to the efforts of Sharon Strong. We are so grateful for the new Christian Science nurses who are bringing a sense of renewal to Fern Lodge, to our patients, and to the movement as a whole.

Q: Cybill, why do you think that Christian Science nursing is important?
Christian Science nursing is a ministry that upholds Mrs. Eddy’s movement. The crux of her movement is healing, and the Christian Science nursing ministry is an extension of this healing work. Christian Science nurses are the soldiers at the front line, who keep up the good work that Mrs. Eddy started.

Q: What is the bigger picture of what you as a Christian Science nurse do?
The Christian Science nurse fosters an environment that helps a patient put Christian Science metaphysical ideas into practice and facilitates healing. Fern Lodge is an extension of Church. It is not simply for people with physical challenges. It is for those who turn to divine Principle and metaphysics for healing in a community of like-minded individuals. Our work as Christian Science nurses helps to remove obstacles to healing. It facilitates and creates comfort. It fosters an environment that removes distractions so right thoughts can take root.

Q: And that results in healing! What are you individually gaining from your work as a Christian Science nurse?
A sense of community. Christian Science nursing is people-focused. Lots of patients are lifelong Christian Scientists, some are practitioners or Christian Science nurses. They have given to the ministry in their youth, and now the younger people are giving back. This is a meeting of the generations — giving back to people who have given much to the movement and the world.

Fern Lodge is a refuge for Christian Scientists, a place where it is safe to practice our faith without judgment. This community of Christian Scientists supports us as individuals. Being here has helped me mature, and I have learned new skills, such as negotiation, learning to handle conflict instead of running away from it. I am learning interpersonal skills and gaining confidence in myself when making decisions. Christian Science nursing has built up my self-esteem and helped me develop good judgment. Christian Science nursing is a team job. We see people’s strengths and their appropriate roles. We learn to serve. Through Christian Science nursing, we can all grow as an individual.

Q: Are there any other key points you have learned in your work here as a Christian Science nurse?
Christian Science nursing is a ministry, but Fern Lodge is also a workplace. Christian Science nursing is a legitimate career path for the living of qualities. We’re doing real work as we care for people. Some may take this work for granted, but we are learning skills that are applicable everywhere. This is a real job for serious workers. Yes, it is religious, but above all it is about serving people. We must not discredit this work, but value it — it is worthy of our time. In fact, our work is much more than a job; it is a calling. Above all, I am very happy and grateful to be a witness to people’s healings.

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