Let’s look at this quote in relation to the past year at Fern Lodge. “Has another duty been done and another victory won for time and eternity?” We have been privileged to participate in several Christian Science healings. Healing is our duty, our mission. The summer childcare program has been a blessing for all. We look forward to continuing and extending this helpful, healing activity. Our Christian Science nursing education program is among the finest, most complete programs available.
“Do you meet in unity, preferring one another, and demonstrating the divine Principle of Christian Science?” We work closely with our fellow Christian Science nursing facilities to provide accreditation services to help us all to maintain consistently high standards. We are united within Fern Lodge in our dedication to the ministry of Christian Science nursing. At the heart of nursing is the vital and healing Christian idea of “preferring one another,” putting another’s needs ahead of our own, demonstrating the Principle of Christian Science, divine Love.
“Have you improved past hours, and ladened them with records worthy to be borne heavenward?” That is our prayer, and I believe we can answer, Yes. We have maintained our patient occupancy and served individuals in their homes and as outpatients. We have had more Christian Scientists enrolled in our education programs. And our childcare program has continued to improve. These are wonderful activities, giving valuable services to our community, and the fruits of these activities are borne heavenward as expanding expressions of our love for God and man.
“Have you learned that sin is inadmissible, and indicates a small mind? Do you manifest love for those that hate you and despitefully use you?” These are questions we take seriously, because we recognize that they indicate Mrs. Eddy’s urgent counsel that we all handle aggressive mental suggestions with Christian Science and destroy animal magnetism with the realization of spiritual affection, grounded in and expressing divine Love.
Preferring one another leads us to help each other work out our own salvation, forsaking the aggression of sin and the emotionalism of small-mindedness by affirming our unity with divine Mind. We resolve to “work, watch and pray” to know nothing of hatred, to turn away from any temptation to personalize and react to evil, and to return blessing for cursing. We realize that righteousness is its own reward, so we will not shrink from doing good, even if it means that we have opportunities to learn the blessing that comes from being “persecuted for righteousness’ sake.” We realize that the path to this goal lies in fulfilling the solemn promise in our sixth tenet, “…to watch, and pray for that Mind which was also in Christ Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us; and to merciful, just and pure.”
George Strong