- Are the ushers in your church ready to respond if someone in the congregation is faced with a challenge?
- Is your Care Committee active?
- Do its members feel comfortable when someone needs assistance with a physical challenge?
- Do any who attend your church have family or friends in need of assistance or care?
At the Workshop you will:
- Share perceptions of how God’s love is expressed in our care for each other.
- Learn simple ways to meet another’s need for comfort and assistance.
When the spiritual nature of care is understood, and assistance is given quickly and with assurance, it provides valuable support for people praying in Christian Science. Come share your insights and learn more about how you can help.
These workshops will be available throughout northern and central California during the upcoming winter and spring. Please contact George Strong, Administrator, for more information.
An invitation with additional information will be mailed to Christian Science branch churches later in the year.[:]