Jazz Concert Fundraiser (March 2014)

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IMG_1448_10x350“Incredible,” “amazing,” “so worth while,” were some of the comments buzzing through the lobby as audience members left the concert. They had just witnessed a talented mélange of four-handed arrangements to classic swing, ragtime, blues, and boogie-woogie pieces performed with an intense energy and enviable precision in Fern Lodge’s first jazz concert fund-raiser.

The two performers sitting side by side on the piano bench were Paolo Alderighi and Stephanie Trick. Though the two performers came from different music training and different countries, their simultaneous playing complimented each other and displayed at its heart a love for the classic era of swing and blues. Paolo and Stephanie were recently married and clearly enjoyed the opportunity to collaborate together in this new project.

IMG_1466_14x350Stephanie performed a couple solo pieces that showed a blurring speed and intensity with her 1930s style stride. Paolo’s solos showed a laid back performance where the measured silences spoke as much as the chords. When they came together to perform simultaneously they mostly played side by side, although in some songs they would unexpectedly switch sides or cross hands or arms without missing a beat. What is also quite exceptional is that Paolo and Stephanie created most of these arrangements themselves, since four-handed arrangements to these classic jazz pieces did not even exist.

Some of these songs are recorded in their most recent jazz CD entitled “Two for One,” which was recorded in 2012 in Biella, Italy. They plan to have another CD out before the end of the year. You find more information on their website at paoloandstephanie.com.

We appreciate Paolo and Stephanie willingness to play for this fundraiser and the members of the Danville church for lending us their auditorium for the concert.

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