Dear Friends,
The year since the last Annual Meeting of The Mother Church has seen in-depth focus on Christian Science nursing. Linda Kohler, President, and Caroleen Scholet, Manager of CS Nursing Acivities, have toured the world, having conversations about CS nursing with groups of Christian Scientists. We hope you have been able to attend and participate in one of these informative and inspiring meetings.
We are deeply grateful for the focus on Christian Science nursing. As Christian Scientists gain a deeper understanding of nursing and include care for others in their practice, they will participate in the fullness of Christian Science healing, bringing blessings to mankind, and helping to cure the ills—physical, mental, and societal—that appear so aggressive today. Fern Lodge is planning to build on the growing understanding of nursing as a vital aspect of the healing practice of Christian Science. Once again we will offer to conduct Care Workshops in communities throughout northern California and parts of Nevada. Look for an announcement soon on our website and in a newsletter later in the year.
Thoughtful, loving care is vital to Christian Science healing. At Fern Lodge we have been thinking earnestly about the role of nursing in metaphysical healing. Studying the chapter “Christian Science Practice” in Science and Health, we find Mrs. Eddy’s in-depth explanations of how to heal through scientific prayer framed by examples of loving-kindness and care. The chapter opens with Mary Magdalene washing Christ Jesus’ feet. A few pages into the chapter Mrs. Eddy writes, “…if the unselfish affections be lacking, and common sense and common humanity are disregarded, what mental quality remains, with which to evoke healing from the outstretched arm of righteousness?” (SH 365:11).
The chapter closes with what students of Christian Science know as the trial. This insightful and comforting assurance of the healing authority of Christian Science tells of a mortal man who was sentenced to die because he got sick while nursing a friend. In the trial, Christian Science, the attorney for mortal man, says “Laying down his life for a good deed, Mortal Man should find it again. Such acts bear their own justification, and are under the protection of the Most High” (SH 436:12).
We look forward to continuing unfoldment in the understanding of Christian Science nursing and its essential role in the fulness of Christian Science practice.
With gratitude and affection,
George Strong