Message from Heather Beck

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[:en][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters — Genesis 1:2

Heather & Robin 1This is one of my most cherished verses in Scripture and has been for a very long time. It holds a wonderful promise for all of us, the promise of freedom and progress.

Many years ago a patient and I were walking together. She was having a great deal of difficulty and was feeling discouraged about her lack of progress. As I turned to God, this line from the Bible came to me, and I shared it with her. Then I heard myself say, “Spirit moves, and you move!” She looked at me and smiled. Her face brightened, her step quickened, and she immediately walked with more strength, determination, and freedom. The light of Truth had dispelled discouragement, and the patient and I felt the effects of Truth.

It became clear to me in that moment that we move and progress, because God is the source of all movement. We reflect the natural, inherent motion that we see expressed in nature: flowers waving in the breeze, gazelles leaping on the plain, the earth moving forward in its orbit and spinning on its axis. He impels us forward, and the direction in which He leads us is always good. We progress faster if certain qualities of thought are present – humility, flexibility, willingness, expectation, fearlessness – and God gives us the ability to express these.

If we seem to be buffeted by fear, negativity—from within or without—discouragement, a lack of willingness to progress, then we can at once refute these impositions on thought and affirm diligently who we really are: God’s fearless, happy children, filled with grace and willing to move forward, expecting to see all of God’s goodness manifested. If we do this for ourselves, we will be more poised to help others. We will be alert to any suggestions that would hinder progress.

As Christian Science nurses we can’t really afford to accept any thought that limits the freedom and holiness of the dear ones we are helping, and it is our duty to express discernment and wise judgment when it comes to encouraging progressive steps. As we develop a listening ear through daily prayer for ourselves, we will be led to suggest just the right idea to awaken thought to progress. True progress is the unfolding of right ideas and can only bless.

At Fern Lodge we see progress and growth every day. It’s so inspiring! In the past few months, we have witnessed healings of broken bones, and individuals who have gained rapidly in their ability to move freely with strength and balance. We’ve seen and continue to see the graceful flow of communication and teamwork. We see flexibility, spontaneity, and loving willingness in our dedicated staff. These are all proofs that Spirit moves and we move, and that God is with us, present, and expressing Himself in all of us.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][:]

2 Comments on “Message from Heather Beck”

  1. Heather, you have been such a blessing to Fern Lodge and we’re confident you will continue to be wherever you are.

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