Report from the Director of Christian Science Nursing 2014

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By: Rozanne Zwfernlodgeoutside 1ick

I’d like to thank every Christian Science nurse who is available to stand firm with those seeking Christian Science healing. We are so grateful for the loving, healing contribution each of you makes to our Movement! There are currently 22 nurses on staff at Fern Lodge. This year one of our nurses, Araceli Khajehnoori became Journal-listed. And we’ve had several students from the Fern Lodge training program stay on for mentoring – a good, dedicated group.

At Fern Lodge, we provide the full spectrum of Christian Science nursing, and we serve an average of 21 patients daily. Outpatient nursing care is given for individuals who are able to drop in to Fern Lodge; we visit people in their homes; and we deliver nursing supplies if there is a need.

Our purpose at Fern Lodge is to heal. From the vantage point as Christian Science healers, we see evidence of the Christ at work in patients and in our nursing practice on a daily, hourly, moment-by-moment basis. We continue to see examples of progress that include physical healings and overcoming of mental limitations.

Here are some examples. A long-time Christian Science Practitioner who needed support with mobility and was unable to communicate clearly came for nursing care. She made good progress and was able to return home within a short time. A side effect from her metaphysical study during her stay at Fern Lodge was a renewed enthusiasm for continuing her Christian Science practice. Another church member came to Fern Lodge after being taken to the emergency room where surgery was recommended after an x-ray. She continues to progress and is now walking with a walker.

Leaves & patioPatients come to Fern Lodge dealing with long-standing claims where the suggestion is that maintaining a declining quality of life is inevitable. Christian Science nursing denies those claims, and we see progress and increased freedom. We see this progress and expectancy of good through participation in daily activities – Bible Lesson study, hymn sings, and a variety of special activities. Thanks to our activity director, Robin Barben!

We find daily inspiration in the following assurance from Mary Baker Eddy: “Happiness consists in being and doing good; only the good God gives, and what we give ourselves and others through His tenure, confers happiness: conscious worth satisfies the hungry heart, and nothing else can” (Message to The Mother Church, 1902 17:22-25).

I received a phone call from a patient’s family after their recent visit. They were very grateful for the care, support and encouragement the patient is receiving. Before she was faced with a physical challenge, the patient had expressed an interest in supporting Christian Science healing as either a practitioner or nurse, but recently she talked of giving up. While they were at Fern Lodge, the family was happy to see patients reading to each other and assisting at meals. They pointed out to their loved one that at Fern Lodge she has opportunities to share with others her love of Christian Science healing, and they encouraged her not to give up. We are grateful for evidence of progress.

Finally, I extend our thanks to Christian Science practitioners for their healing work, to volunteers for their selfless service, and to you for your encouragement and generous support for Fern Lodge!

— Rozanne Zwick


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