We all—Carlos, Sharon and George—were grateful for the hospitality shown to us everywhere we visited in Argentina and Brazil. In Rio de Janeiro we had the special opportunity to visit a mountain top just at the end of Copacabana beach. The view in all directions was spectacular.
From Buenos Aires, we travelled to Brazil to meet with Christian Scientists there who are interested in Christian Science nursing and education opportunities. Our first stop was in Rio de Janeiro where we gave a talk at First Church. Later we held interviews with those who were interested in Christian Science nursing.
After the church meeting, we journeyed to the farm of our dear friend Orlando Trentini, a Christian Science teacher, who has visited Fern Lodge and who is a staunch supporter of Christian Science nursing worldwide. He and his wife, Adelia, who also is a Christian Science practitioner, are dedicated to helping provide Christian Science nursing education to prepare Brazilian Christian Scientists to care for those who need assistance in their homes. Orlando hopes to couple Christian Science nursing education with courses in English as a second language, to enable individuals to read Science and Health and other works by Mary Baker Eddy in their original language.

Orlando, with one of his much-loved dogs, on the veranda of the building at Fonte de Luz, where Christian Science nursing and English as a second language may be offered.
The Trentinis graciously nursed us at their lovely farm, Fonte de Luz. In addition to long discussions about Christian Science nursing activities, here we also enjoyed the orchids and bromeliads, the parrots and other tropical birds, a pool and sauna, and an authentic Brazilian barbecue.
Christian Scientists in Brazil have formed Arco Iris to provide their community with Christian Science nursing and care services. They work closely with a Journal-listed Christian Science nurse who now lives in Switzerland, and they have conducted some Christian Science nursing courses.
We are sorry we did not have the time and opportunity to travel to São Paulo to meet with them, but we were grateful that some of their members came to Rio de Janeiro while we were there.
To see more pictures from the trip, click here.
One Comment on “Trip to Brazil, Jan 2010”
Hello from Nelson, Canada
I have studied and practiced Christian Science and I would like to meet Orlando when I travel to Rio in March 2019. Do you have a contact email for Orlando and the first church in Rio?
Many thanks