Letter from the Administrator (Nov 2019)

AdminMessage from Administrator, Newsletter1 Comment

Fern Lodge Focus — November 2019 Letter from the Administrator

This has be a delightfully busy year at Fern Lodge. Our annual summer childcare program, FLOCK, recently wrapped up, and we said goodbye to Zack, who did a wonderful job with the children. Work has continued at the Redwood Community facility in Santa Rosa, and we are near the end of remodeling. The Fern Lodge Christian Science Nurses Training program has been more active than ever, with courses held at Fern Lodge and other Christian Science nursing facilities. And we have welcomed a number of new Christian Science nurses to our staff, including our dear friend, Deborah Messmer, who has taken on the responsibilities of Assistant Director of Christian Science Nursing.

During the busy times it’s easy to get completely caught up in the daily activities, demands, and opportunities. So we find it of vital importance to take the time to remember and remind each other of our purpose and mission, our ministry, the reason for Fern Lodge and for the Christian Science nursing services we offer.

Our purpose is to heal. It’s that simple, really. And it’s that important—to those we serve, to ourselves, to our church, and to the community where we live and work. Fern Lodge is a place where Christian Scientists come together to practice and bear witness to the healing power of God in the demonstration of Christian Science. Those dear people who come to us for care and assistance are blessed by and grateful for the healing touch of the loving, skillful, reassuring, spiritual touch of the Christian Science nurses on our staff.

“Every step of progress is a step more spiritual.” Mary Baker Eddy made that arresting statement in a sermon, which is published in the slim volume, The People’s Idea of God — Its Effect on Health and Christianity. The growth of an organization and its staff, the improvement of its buildings, its activity in teaching, may be seen as progressive steps. But unless these activities are undergirded and characterized by a deeper spiritual understanding of them, they do not indicate real progress. We at Fern Lodge are committed to spiritual growth and progress. In our daily work—our conversations, the care and activities we provide for patients, our meetings, the instruction and mentoring in our training program—we strive to think and act from a spiritual standpoint and to encourage and support each other in this progressive work. We are grateful to see this commitment bear fruit each day. We are deeply grateful for the healing we witness and for the loving and generous support for our work that we receive from so many of you who share our devotion to Christian Science healing.

With gratitude and affection,

George Strong,


One Comment on “Letter from the Administrator (Nov 2019)”

  1. I love the photo of the two holding hands in your letter. A picture can be worth a thousand words. This seems to be the case with this photo. Thank-you

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