Message From Fern Lodge Board Member (March, 2021)

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Persistence in prayer! What a useful idea for us all as we continue to navigate these unusual times. We have continued our day-to-day operations of loving in a practical manner all those who come to us, and we are glad to be doing this obediently, safely, and creatively, for patients and staff. We are most grateful for the Christian Science nurses who continue to cheerfully step up to whatever demands come. Their skillful, comforting, joyous, and loving care, empowered by Love’s allness, given every day, around the clock, blesses not only our facility, but the world. Those essential Christian Science nursing qualities, wherever expressed, are a light for mankind.

“Persistence in Prayer” was the theme of our Fern Lodge Annual Meeting, held via Zoom last September. You can find it here.  The keynote address was given by Christian Science nurse Vanessa Campbell, and is included in its entirety as a gift to all. This newsletter includes a shorter version of that same address.

One of the ways Fern Lodge supports our nurses and staff is with daily prayer for the facility by Christian Science practitioners. Each month, our house practitioner gives an inspiring talk, which they share with the staff. You can listen to them at as another gift to you.

We are grateful for your continued prayers in support of Fern Lodge. We are all being compelled to discover more fully, “Space is no separator of hearts” (Mary Baker Eddy, Mis. 150:10). Though many of us are physically separated during this time period, we are finding that there is no deterrent to loving and being loved, and filling our role in our community and Church. Thank you for your on-going part in being a persistent pray-er!

With gratitude and affection,

Anna Lisa Kronman, CS

Fern Lodge Board Member

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