The Adventures of Rocky (without Bullwinkle)

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By Sharon Strong A cocker spaniel without a collar befriended an office worker’s dog at the creek outside Fern Lodge, and would not leave the property. After several hours, Alvaro and I took him in and showered him, removing twigs and redwood fronds from his fur, but he still smelled very bad (sorry, Suave–your Strawberry shampoo just wasn’t up to this … Read More

Christian Science Nursing in Argentina (Full Report)

AdminNews, South America1 Comment

By Sharon Strong FOR MORE PHOTOS, CLICK HERE. Last January, George and I, together with our translator, CS nurse Carlos Ley, visited South America to answer the questions we had been receiving for several years about how to establish a nursing facility and how to provide CS nursing education to interested and qualified individuals in South America.  This journey made … Read More

Gratitude for our Staff

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from George Strong, Administrator The Fern Lodge Focus and our website,, give us an opportunity to share with you insights into our work in the healing ministry of Christian Science nursing.  In our last issue, some of the Christian Science nurses on our staff told what brought them into Christian Science nursing.  Now we will let some of the … Read More

Target Fixation: Lessons from Dirt Biking

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Excerpts from a talk by Cynthia Riffert My husband and I have a loved one who came to Fern Lodge in need of nursing care, and since she has been home, she has expressed so much gratitude for the tender love and healing atmosphere she found here.  She has told us of so many wonderful ways she was supported in … Read More

“Blessed are they that dwell in thy house”

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Notes from a talk by Nancy Stiner CS Nancy talked to the staff about the spiritual concept of house today.  She mentioned that when Solomon built his house, he said “the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house that I have builded?” (I Kings 8:27).  God cannot be limited to a place. One helpful … Read More

Construction Update

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As reported in our May Focus, Fern Lodge has plans for construction of a new entrance and reception area for the Christian Science Nursing building at the facility and for a significant addition to our parking lot. In conversations with the Alameda County Building Department and our neighbors on Madison Avenue, we learned that the original plan for the new … Read More

Introducing the Staff

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The Fern Lodge staff is a dedicated and hard-working family. We would like to introduce them to you, and we’ll begin with a very brief overview of the loving and inspired individuals who serve here as Christian Science nurses. English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, German, Tagalog, Chinese and Japanese — remarkably, these are the languages our Christian Science nurses speak! … Read More

The Pearl of Great Price

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“The kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.” — Christ Jesus Healings in Christian Science help us rediscover the pearl of great price. From time to time we will share articles that highlight the role … Read More