Principle Foundation Workshop

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The Divine Economy workshop was well attended at both Hayward and Sacramento. Eric Bashor of the Principle Foundation served as facilitator as the attendees examined the contrasting economic models outlined in Genesis 1 and 2. The attendees then split into groups to examine Biblical stories, such as Joseph and Pharaoh with the years of plenty and famine, the multiplying of the loaves and fishes, and the laborers in the field working for a penny, to see what economic models were in play. The groups also considered which economic model the economic experts of the world use to determine economic supply. The workshop was highly interactive and the quality of the audience contributions were high. You can see in the photo that the rainbow has flowed onto the worksheets showing the divine economy of the left, as opposed to the material economy on the right.

The Principle Foundation, as a benevolent organization that helps the financial and humanitarian needs of Christian Scientists, has had much opportunity to think through the spiritual application of the divine economy as it relates to the practical needs of those in difficult situations. In many ways, they are providing a service similar to that provided by a Christian Science nurse, providing the human affection and practical footsteps so central to Christian demonstration. If you would like to find out more about the benevolent work of the Principle Foundation and its local committees, please go to their website here.

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