Valentine Home

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As we have been earnestly preparing the house Fern Lodge recently purchased nearby to provide affordable staff housing, we realized the home needed a name. At a Fern Lodge board meeting, one board member asked if there was a Christian Science nurse we could honor by naming the home after her. Valentine Home! Emily Valentine played a vital role in … Read More

Holidays at Fern Lodge

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Holidays are very special at Fern Lodge.  At Halloween, staff and patients dress up to celebrate Fall festivities. At Thanksgiving, patients and families share a wonderful meal together prepared by our kitchen.  And throughout December, we celebrate Christmas with decorations, a tree, festive bakes, and music.  We hope you’ll enjoy these holiday pictures.

Reports from the Director of Christian Science Nurses Training

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By Sharon Strong Our annual meeting’s theme caused me to ponder some meanings of the words “rise and walk.”  To rise is to move to a higher position; be seen more clearly; achieve success.  And walking is moving forward, advancing; pursuing a way of life; continuing in unison.  And over the last 12 months, we have clearly seen advancement, success, … Read More

Reports from the Director of Christian Science Nursing

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By Deborah Messmer In June of this year our previous Director of Christian Science Nursing, Deanna Belyk Proctor, left us to bless her family in Colorado.  I was grateful to work side-by-side with her and watch her embrace every individual with sweet love.  I would like to thank Deanna not only for her friendship, but for her dedication to Fern … Read More

Fern Lodge Focus — December 2021

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Dear Friends, The morning I prepared to write this letter, I read the Christian Science Bible Lesson. The subject was “God, the Only Cause and Creator.” The Bible verses included a story most of you know well. Christ Jesus was called to come quickly to the home of Jairus, an important leader in the community, who pleaded with the Master, … Read More

2021 Annual Meeting — Rise Up and Walk!

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Again this year the Fern Lodge annual meeting will be available to anyone who has an internet connection. You can watch by going to our website: The meeting will include reports from the Fern Lodge Board of Directors, the Director of Christian Science Nursing, and the Director of Christian Science Nurses Training. We are pleased that our dear friend, … Read More

Director of Christian Science Nursing — Deborah Messmer

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When I was newly Journal-listed as a Christian Science nurse, I worked in the field on private duty cases. I remember my eyes being opened to the possibilities of Christian Science nurses working together more as a team. I had several cases I was visiting every day and found the calls just kept coming. I started to feel overwhelmed. Then … Read More

Gratitude from the Fern Lodge Staff

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This past year my husband (who worked at Fern Lodge years ago) has been battling a serious illness. It has been a tough and painful journey for all of our family. With the knowledge I have gained from Fern Lodge I was able to make sure he stayed strong and healthy. Even though he was unable to eat solid foods … Read More