A Visit to Argentina, Jan 2010

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With humble gratitude Fern Lodge accepted an invitation to share information about Christian Science nursing education opportunities with Christian Scientists in South America.  Two years ago Carlos Ley, a Journal-listed Christian Science nurse on our staff, traveled through South America to speak about Christian Science nursing.  He gave talks and conducted individual interviews in Peru, Argentina and Brazil.  This year … Read More

Trip to Brazil, Jan 2010

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From Buenos Aires, we travelled to Brazil to meet with Christian Scientists there who are interested in Christian Science nursing and education opportunities.  Our first stop was in Rio de Janeiro where we gave a talk at First Church.  Later we held interviews with those who were interested in Christian Science nursing. After the church meeting, we journeyed to the … Read More

Spiritual Altitude and Loving Care

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What you don’t see in these photos is the incredible beauty of the community of El Bolsón and its idyllic setting in the heart of the Andes mountains of western Argentina.  The spiritual altitude you do see is far more important.  All members of the Christian Science Society in El Bolsón welcomed and cared for us with the tender, attentive … Read More

Christian Science Nursing Heals

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By Sharon Strong Director of CS Nursing One hundred years ago, the discipline and standards for Christian Science nurses was made a permanent part of the Mother Church ministry when Mary Baker Eddy included in the Church Manual the bylaw, “Christian Science Nurse.” The Manual bylaw requires Christian Science nurses to build their practice on “the Rock, Christ; even the … Read More